This study examines the effect of teachers variables on the performance of senior secondary students in Holy Child Secondary School. The study employed survey research design using secondary school teachers and students in Cross River state. Random sampling technique was used to sample 147 respondents although 141 questionnaires returned was retrieved and validated for the study. Data were presented and analyzed using frequency and tables. Findings from the study reveals that there is a significant difference in academic performance of students taught in large or small classes in Senior Secondary School in Holy Child secondary school. The study also reveals that there is no significant difference in the academic performance of students taught by highly qualified teachers and those taught by less qualified teachers of Senior Secondary School students in Holy Child secondary school. The study therefore recommends that schools should employ qualified teachers in relation to subject learnt/their subject area. More so preference should be given to teachers with longer years of experience as they stay more on the job.
Background to the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the study:
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